gymnastics scoring

Are you a parent whose child just started attending gymnastics class and dreams about competing? Then it can be both an enjoyable and confusing time for you. You and your child will grow and learn together in this new and exciting journey. Still, it can also be overwhelming — especially when you don’t know what to expect and how gymnastics scoring works.

In the past, scoring in gymnastics was more straightforward, and gymnasts could achieve a “perfect 10”. However, the rules changed in 2006, and gymnasts can now receive a wide range of scores.

To better understand how the gymnastics scoring system works, here’s a quick look at how a gymnast’s scores are decided today:

The current scoring system in gymnastics is called the FIG Code of Points, created by the Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique (FIG). This is the organization that manages the World Championships and the gymnastics events in the Olympics.

Judges use the Code of Points, the rule book that outlines the point values of each skill to score routines. They base the total score of a gymnast’s routine on the Difficulty Score (D) and the Execution Score (E). The sum of both scores makes the total score for the routine.


The Difficulty Score

The D Panel is made up of two judges, and each judge decides their Difficulty Score. After each judge determines their own score, the two judges agree on the final Difficulty Score. This score shows the total difficulty value (DV) of skills with the connection value (CV) and compositional requirements (CR).


The Execution Score

The Execution Score assesses the gymnast’s performance based on execution and artistry. The E Panel is made up of six judges. The score starts at 10, and based on the gymnast’s errors in execution, technique, or artistry, deductions are made from this baseline. Judges score each routine independently, the highest and lowest scores are dropped, and the average of the four scores becomes the Execution Score.

The gymnast’s final score is the total of the Difficulty Score and the Execution Score minus any deductions for neutral errors.


The next time you attend a meet or watch the Olympics or any gymnastics event on television, we hope this easy guide to the gymnastics scoring system helps you understand the scores each gymnast receives. Although it may seem complicated at first, we’re sure you and your child will quickly get the hang of it and enjoy the exciting world of gymnastics.

About Author

OMEGA Gymnastics

At OMEGA Gymnastics, we prepare children for a lifetime of success, both inside and outside the gym. Because when your child experiences the physical fitness, dedication, work ethic, and personal achievement that excellent gymnastics training teaches it not only benefits them, it also benefits your family and the entire community.